Mike Wilbon Released Bombshell Prediction On Patriots AFC Championship

Things are getting really hot in the NFL, and Mike Wilbon has no interest in the further development of events.

Wilbon criticized the NFL for the poor officiating during Sunday’s games. The no-call that destroyed the New Orleans Saints’ chance to play in the Super Bowl was the first topic he focused on.

“It doesn’t taint the Rams, it taints the outcome of the game,” Wilbon said of the no-call. “This in concert with the next game…The officiating was so incompetent that it bothers me. To me, it was the low point of the NFL… Just in terms of the competition on the field. Both results are tainted. I’m holding it against the teams, but the league can’t get it right. 

“The NFL is at a point yesterday, in its showcase events, where it can’t even guarantee the integrity of the results. And that to me…I’m down on the NFL today and down on the whole process of what happened. Because if you can’t get this right, then what the hell are we doing trusting your product?

“All we can do is express outrage. Roger Goodell is not gonna do anything,” he continued. “If this was was Al Davis, if this was Jerry Jones, if this was Robert Kraft, the league would be afraid, and people would call the game and the situations differently. I don’t mean the officials on the field, I mean the commissioner and his cronies would handle it differently if faced with an owner of consequence.

“This is not a day where I’m going to celebrate these games, I’m not. The games were wildly entertaining. But they were flawed so seriously, they were egregiously badly officiated. They offend my sensibilities.”

Wilbon is not happy about the AFC Championship outcome either

“The Patriots are great and they got help, and that’s not the first time,” Wilbon said. “They got lots of help [on Sunday]. That’s an embarrassment. This was every bit of embarrassing of the Saints game because they didn’t earn it. You’re letting a great team off the hook. [The Patriots] didn’t earn anything.”

He even made jokes about the Rams and Brady. “When they cough, don’t do it towards Brady,” Wilbon said. “Put your hand over your mouth or you were get 15.”
“Tom Brady’s the greatest, we’re not questioning that,” he said. “That game was an embarrassment. Tom Brady getting 15 for that? It led to a touchdown. I don’t really wanna move on, because I don’t care about the Super Bowl, I’m telling you that right now.” 

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